Business is becoming more and more complex? That's why we make it simple.
Your Sourcing Platform is the best solution for you because you get answers to all your challenges simply and easily.
We offer convenient one-stop shopping today: one connection, get it all. It's simple. We understand what's important to you - and do everything we can to make sourcing as easy as possible for you! That's why we cover all your technical business needs with the Sourcing Platform - simply, quickly and comprehensively. So that your business runs successfully.
Simply, because...
... you can easily save process costs through supplier consolidation and maintain an overview at all times - thanks to our unique product diversity.
... we offer you many advantages of electronic catalogues and connections with our eProcurement solutions. This saves you time and money.
... we don't just procure products. Our comprehensive service portfolio makes procurement easier than ever before.
Whatever you need we procure the
Your Sourcing Platform. More than just procurement.
On our Sourcing Platform you cover all your technical operating needs around the clock. Convenient one-stop shopping gives you access to more than 1.5 million product offerings. From individual spare parts to large quantities, you can get everything for your business - quickly, easily and reliably.